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Herbert Sanders Gallery -San Jose State University - Febraury 27- March 3, 2018


The long term effects of being disconnected from society are detrimental to anyone.

A major problem that drives poverty in America is the dissociation that community members have with the poor within their community. In today's globalized economy, and expanding technology, its harder than ever to connect with each other in an immediate and intimate way. Poor people are limited from participating and connecting with the larger community on many levels; yet people, poor or not, need to feel connected to themselves and the community in order to establish and maintain their overall well-being.


Author Arthur C. Brooks declares that American's perception of the poor is a harmful one of exclusivity in"America Cant Fix Poverty Until It Stops Hating Poor People" . Brooks claims that seeing the poor as outsiders actually creates the systematic antipathy that drives poor people further toward the fringes of society. His solution, which I have adopted for this show, is to try and change the way that we see the poor.


My aim with these paintings is to highlight, expose, and describe everyday experiences of people who have found themselves disconnected from the community. The goal of this show is to elevate the humanity in isolation in hopes of eliciting humility. The work also help me to  process my own internal struggles to connect. I hope  the viewer will also become aware of the dangers of community disconnect.

We all have a role and responsibility in fighting poverty, and the first step is just by changing the way we view.

General Layout

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